Thank you so much D!
Hi D! What are the differences between tsuma beni and tsuma gaki? Thank you!
Hi everyone! Weekend and two photos! I like the red petiole of Okushimo. The other maple I don't know the cultivar... Regards!
Maple cultivar by another name (Synonym).#27 in my browser is the #28 hahaha About Little Princess: Acer palmatum MAPI NO MACHI HIME de...
Hi D, Where could I find your list of synonyms? Thank you!
Hi, Pine Bark is not the same that Arakawa?
Good morning! Yes, 'Okushimo' / 'Crispa' / 'Crispii' are the same. Thank you!
Hi! Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' / 'Maiku Jaku' Acer palmatum 'Ryusen' / 'Ryusei' Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' / 'Kinkakure' I think that these...
Good morning D! I would like to see Ijima Sunago when the leaves are opened! This maple looks beautiful!
Hi! These photos are not my favorites but they are maples! Kind regards!
Happy sunday! I want to show you the butterfly and maples from seedling!
Yes, is the "little princess". A "second" mini sprout, D. Don't worry! I prefer to write in English because this forum is international and the...
Good night! two photos, one of them is an intruder... Kind regards!
@Acerholic D, you summon me. PD: When do you apply fertilizer? In spring? Where do you get those seeds of cool species?
Hi everyone! The week has started! Kind regards!