Last time I went to Belmont Nursey in Fresno I was oncisering buying a Shina. They then proceded to drill me with a bunch of questions: 1. Do you...
I have been told that it it is actually very difficult to overload any plant with silicate as it can even be used as a growing medium (as long it...
From what I've read Red Dragon is also slightly more Heat and Drought tolerant than Crimson queen. According to It seems...
The thing was it was small enough to where the leaves did not have that thin lacelike appearance almost like a Seiryu yet and all of the baranches...
Its a 0-0-3 Potassium and Silicon Supplement that is supposed to improve hardiness and drought tolerance as well as protcting against leaf burn:...
I guess it was a good thing then that I moved it to my back patio. Things do work out for the best. I also thought you could raise a Japanese...
Ohh as far as laceleafs which is the most heat and sun tolerant red? Garnet, red dragon, Orangeola, Tamuke Yama, Inaba Shidare or is there...
I recently bought a AP Viridis that was on sale and put it near a window inside. Well low and behold someone calls the cops saying I have a...
I pruned the brancjes back a bit ans I still ahve green wood beneath so I don't think its dead. I think I will go and get a fireglow for that same...
I think I may have been to late. All my red leaves dried up and will probably soon fall off. More green leaves are budding at the lower part of...
I recently bought a new small emperor 1 and it it is gowing very well. Just one problem. The fastest growth of leaves is just below the graft. I...
As far as potting in containers go I have found Japanese maples love bonsai soils such as Calidama and Akadama. However I thing Calidama is only...
Ok talked to some more peole about this and they gave me a few more cultivars: Acer palmatum (generic) Fireglow Seiryu Shishigashira They...