We have a Green Gage in Nanoose Bay hat had a rocky start and took seven years before we got a real crop for the first time last year. The tree...
After more than 35 years, a specimen of a gooseberry plant was finally acquired from a very remote Hudson Bay fur trading post, called York...
I hear many Paw growers lamenting on the lack of flavour or taste with wild-obtained seedlings. That is why many decades have been spent by...
Hello friend, I hadn't seen this thread and can make comment for those who might like to know more about these plants. Allow me to rummage...
I just searched in places I've never explored before and nothing like 'contact a member' shows up for me in any tab anywhere...
I don't think this forum has a PM capability and since you don't have a name I doubt you will be tasting anything...
Dan, I do Paw tasting for five bucks - yup. I still have a couple Liters of raw pulp and one gets to try the hot sauce too. I have two other...
Somehow I did not see this post at all. Sorry but they are one of my biggest sellers and I can't grow them fast enough. I shipped several hundred...
Hello Faye, Paws are understory trees at first and like, say a Black Spruce, they need shade in the first part of their lives, 33% shade if I...
Since I started off this Nanaimo Peach thread I believe it is time to provide an update. I thought I had discovered one growing on one of the...
Oh yes. She said they did go through the process of obtaining a virus-free certificate years ago but even after paying fees their shipment was...
Yes, this was a good lead also. I called and talked to a 21-year veteran at the nursery. She couldn't remember where or when it showed up but the...
This is still under a search on my part. Based on posts in this thread I don't feel strongly that it was Hugh Daubney who created the peach. I...
Thanks for this lead, Daniel. Curious what two varieties of strawberry are used in ice cream? This year my main focus is on strawberries and have...