Hey all -- I just got a young plant labeled 'Kotobuki'. One Japanese site says that Kotobuki is the same as 'Murasaki Shikibu'. I am not...
No, there's no wax and no rubber bands left. Just what looks to me like excess callous. But thanks for the input!
Yeah, I had the same thought about waiting for the leaves. I'm pretty sure I can tell which is which, but I only get one chance to be wrong! ;-)...
Well, I got my jherter maples today. I ended up getting Goshiki Kotohime and Ukigumo from him. I also wanted Toyoma Nishiki and Esk(imo) Sunset,...
I think people also need to talk about how frequently they water when they talk about their potting mix. Mixes that drain REALLY quickly may...
I don't have enough maples to make a good sample, but out of about 8 plants I lost two last year. One to the late freeze, and one (A. shirasawanum...
That's okay. Sam asked for comments, she got comments from both sides. :-)
I don't want to sound like too much of a Grinch, but if I wanted to spend the time I could supply quotes from several different threads in which...
I have no problem with Sam mentioning Eastfork, nor with her discussing observations and cultural info. It's the constant self-promotion that gets...
Well, Sam, you asked for comments so here's one from me -- I'm sure you're a swell person and an honorable seller, but I wish you would stop...
Yeah, two plants I wanted -- one year Toyoma Nishiki and one year Esk(imo) Sunset -- each went for about $20 this week. Boo hiss. These biddig...
As a interesting aside, I noticed yesterday that my B. Schichihenge appears to be a rooted cutting. In any case I can't see a graft union, and the...
Hey Alex -- I tried that URL, but it wouldn't work. :-/ I also tried the correct prefix (http://), but that didn't make it work either. Can you...
Thanks, I'll check for the old thread. Ron, how about long term health? Setting aside production goals, will a rooted cutting be healthier in...