Thanks for the advice, if this method works for you, it's worth a try, is always enriching to know the experiences of others. Now I have...
Thanks for the info, yesterday I planted it where it receives sun from 1pm onwards, will probably burn mine too in summer, ..better move it to a...
Thanks, ..I have a particular attraction for color combinations
Ohhh ..beautiful chromatic contrast
:) Why not, I like all the Linearilobum, ..the first of my wishlist is Fukinagashi, it has a nice dark bark, but here it is impossible to find
Thanks Derek, I will try growing it in full sun for a couple of years to see how it performs, this year we have had a lot of heatwaves, ..and the...
Hello everyone, at the beginning of the season I received a Red Pygmy as a gift, today in a garden center I saw a Pung Kil, I bought it without...
It is really a spectacular maple, I hope the cut has solved the problem.
Ok, I'll do it right away, ..thanks for the advice!
Thanks Derek for your reply, it doesn't come from the portion of the graft, is on the top, I'll be waiting until next spring to see what happen.
Hi all, I have a grafted Mikazuki that I bought last year, on a single branch the new growth shows leaves larger and without reticulation, I would...
Absolutely splendid, ..I really really really like it!
01-02 > I recently bought the infamous Taylor, I have read that many of you have had a bad experience with this rogue, have a life expectancy of...