Just found out the correct ID of air potato. Thanks for trying though.
It's not a Hedera unless there is some other members in the Hedera family other than Ivys. Unless the Morning Glory seeds grow into tubers like...
We have had this mystery vine in our yard for some time now and don't know what it is. I sprayed some sort of poison oak and ivy killer on it to...
I no longer need a name for this tree. I found out it's a Photinia.
So we have had two of these trees for a long time (6+ years) and we don't remember what they are. I would like to have them identified so I can...
I'd stick it somewhere where it will get more light instead of in a corner. Do you have any south facing glass sliding doors? That would be a...
We have a Cassia Splendida that we can't leave outside and it has gotten so big that we have to tie it up in orde to keep it from falling over. It...
I hope these pics are good enough.
Well, I wouldn't go as far to say we are complete novices. We've been growing a vegitable garden for many years now (ever since I was a kid). I...
I don't think it was a polination problem with the tomatoes we see tons of them but, as mentioned before, they just fall off before the...
We bought a bunch of strawberry plants last year and planted them. I think, this year, the plants doubled the amout we started with and are huge...