Howdy, tuning in. Much shade, no veggies. Had some trees taken down which may help, but still not sunny. Is there hope?
I have a 17 year old saguaro cactus that I've grown from a seed. It is about 10" tall. Nothing cuter than little cacti sprouts. Well, almost...
Thanks for the question. I am very interested in this suject as well.
Hey, I think I'll test the water before adding the fish. Do ya think? THANKS. I hadn't thought about all the other nasties that might be in...
I just had one other thought. I put the plants in the tank 5 days ago with no animals yet. Do I need to do a water change if I only have plants?...
Thanks joclyn for your message and the encouragement. I've been wanting to get a couple of shrimp, forgot to mention that. With all the input...
Thanks Lorax, for the input. You are helping me arrive at decision. I think I'll go with a male betta as they are soooo beautiful and fun; a...
Lorax, thanks so much for the detailed message. That 55 gal tank of yours sounds like it was really neat. I have little sunlight and mosty all...
Yo Lorax and blake, you may know my friend barbara LLoyd who directed me to this site... I'm thinking of a a couple of female bettas and a...
I just put together a small aquarium with live plants. Any folks out there with this interest? I'm new to it. I do know I have a couple of...
Wow. It is beautiful. Congratulations!