Thank you Gomero, this might explain the diffenence in growth; grafted onto a shirasawanum or a palmatum should be influencing the vigour of the...
Note to Gomero, Are you talking about the acer palmatum or the shirasawanum Jordan that grew 1.5 m in 2 years, because that is quite a differance...
Hye Gomero, Thank you for your reply. I understood, from the website of Gilardelli, that summer gold takes sunshine very well, but indeed they...
Thank you David 81, for your trouble. I've seen the website, and am very impressed by this nursery, Bye, Berry
Thank you Alex66, I've looked it up and read it. As you said; very good discription but no overall photograph. I have now had contact with a...
Note to Alex66, How do I get to your gallery pics? I am a novice to the forum-thing! Berry.
Note to Alex66 Alex, you seem to be the proud owner of quite an "old" specamine if I interpreted the picture well enough. Would you by any chance...
This is very promesing. Only two years old and allready thát tall! Still, you live in la bella Italia, and we will have to do with our climate....
What beautifull foliage! Does anyone know of any pictures of acer palmatum "summer gold" of an older specamine, not taken upclose but from a...
I am looking for more information on Acer Palmatum "summer gold". I know of the Gilardelli nursery where they have grown this new cultivar, but I...
Note to gomero, I am very interested in the acer palmatum "summer gold". I'm looking for a yellow leafed small tree, and am fond of acer palmatum...