hi chuck..its me again..my plant has been growing rapidly thanks to u..the leaves are healthy :) but need ur help again..last week to my delight...
hi chuck..my hibiscus seems to be doing well..changed her pot and she seems happy now..chopped off 1/3 from each stem and can see new branches...
thanks chuck..ure a great help..will take a printout of this email.. and examine my plant and get back to u.. the problem with Dubai is that u...
Dear Chuck, Thanks a lot for ur reply..you seem to have a lot of knowledge about plants..i am new to the world of plants and got very worried...
figured out that i had the pot placed right under the AC.. the hot draft from the AC could be causing the problem.. have moved the position.. will...
Need help ! I live in Dubai (desert with hot climate) and recently got home a hibiscus which i have placed in my balcony with east facing sun....