Thank you Lila, With your help I found it. 'Lepismium Cruciforme'
Help!! Can you help me ID this cactus or succulent?
Thank you for help, I shall continue my quest.
I purchased this plant last week from HD and it has no tags. The closest that I can find on the net is a 'Selenicereus'. I am keeping it away from...
I am sorry it is, I lost the 's' somewhere.
Its that time of the year when some of you are trimming back your Epis, and I would love it if you could send me some of the cuttings. All are...
Most garlics, wheather they are soft or hard neck will start to dry up by January or February. The heads and cloves might look great but once the...
I am making plans to move my Lisbon Lemon and Cymbidium Orchids indoors. These are potted plants that have been growing out side since early...