Those loveable Hebes I'm having a hard time writing what I like to say about my current favourite plant. Its those loveable Hebes. Garden West...
Cereus peruvianus Hey A. Urban I'm looking at my Houseplant book, and what I see on you images is what is in my book. In my book the plant it...
Thanks Ron So you can prune these Hornbeams Finally an answer, Ron can you tell me why people plant these trees on parking strips? Can anyone...
Hello can anyone tell me, If this type of Hornbeam (Carpinus Betulus Fastigiata) Can be pruned?. This tree is driving me nuts. Its planted in...
Hey Unregistered Guest, two questions to ask, (1) how is your soil where you planted your Japanese white pine and Fraiser Fir? (2) Do you know if...
ID for one Jimmyq is right about the ID on the second plant that you have however , I found that the first one is philodendron scandens (...
Are we sure this is Albizia Are people really sure this is a Albizia? I think it looks like Acaia baileyana. Is there flowers to this tree?
why don't you ask a Master Gardener in your area Hi Kitt I'm a Master Gardener here in Seattle WA, I read you post and the first thing I though...
Are we looking at a laurel's fruit? Mudd I'm not sure what we are looking at. I think were looking at Laurel fruit but I'm not sure. I don't...
Does anyone know if Buddleja's get sick? I've a got a Buddleja which is developing yellowing leaves, the blooms are dying off quickly and yet its...
Hey everyone, Hostas are the popular plant here in the pacific northwest. I'm writing to ask anyone who knows if hostas can handle full sun? My...
Does anyone know about " Master Gardening" Programs in Canada?I'm an US Citizen curious if there are any thing like that? Basically master...