great catch figuring out what bug it was! Neem seems like it might work if it is applied at exactly the right time of year or if a soil drench...
It looks like you have anthracnose. It has been spreading rapidly in the dogwood population these last couple decades. the bug i cannot tell....
After the last freeze we will drop them off at the Salvation Army/local food banks. Using bags to grow in mostly. plastic shopping bags cut in...
you are right. the tubers need dry but not dry. You are a natural gardener and will have many great experiences with your hobby. air dry the...
Dethatching can be done with a sturdy rake. or a bunch of dancing in golf shoes. maybe throw a barbeque for the neighborhood sports team and...
The capillary action you are speaking of is called gravity. the holes on the BOTTOM of the pot need sand to sit on because otherwise they would be...
I don't kniow. but I know you can try. fyi - the seeds you produce would be called hybrids (not grafts). Grafts are physical joinings of two...
Global warming may have met its match. In research recently completed at Emory University School of Medicine, scientists have discovered a mutant...
Ron B., you need to take another look at the picture. There is no way that you should cut that tree down to 18 inches. it would leave unsightly...
I live in a very sunny USDA Zone 6, at 3300ft and 40.2 degrees latitude. Something else I noticed about blood meal- it didn't work at all when I...
many kinds of cedars are called "thuja" Cedar trees only grow from the tips of the branches. So if you want the parts next to the trunk to grow,...
We can test the pH of things with cabbages. to make a cabbage test: Chop up a red cabbage and cook it with water until the water is deep...