Thank you. I will try and see if I can find a lab in North Van? What does this cost?
So you think it should be neutral? What should I be expecting? My carrots never seem to grow well either. Thank you
I just did a soil test where I plan to do our vegetable garden and it came back green, which apparently is Alkaline according to the chart....
Thank you so much. I have been reading that I should wait until Fall or Early spring, but it looks so awful now I wanted to do something. Is...
We have an apple tree that is about 4 years old that is growing wild!! Branches growing out everywhere and looking really awful. What is the...
I am just looking for the bushy tree with a nice shape. The way it is now, its looking not quite right? Here is some photos of the tree
Well, I am concerned that it should be pruned because of the branches getting too heavy that they will just snap and break. I was under the...
We have had the tree for about 2 years, and it is now starting to really grow, but it is growing quite funny with just 3 branches basically. One...
Where on here can I find out information on how to properly prune a Red Oak Tree? and when would be the best time of the year? Thank you
I am so confused, getting so many different opinions? I was once told I should use Bark Mulch in the vegetable garden but now I read it takes...
Could someone tell me what is wrong this year with our spinach plants? They are not growing as well as they did in the past and the leaves are...