Later than it usually does in previous years, or later than you expected that cultivar to do so?
Prinsepia sinensis I am used to this plant being the first to leaf out in the spring, but January? Mine is a potted plant, grown from seed 2-3...
I am growing Western Wood Lily (Lilium philadelphicum ) from seed. They have germinated at least a month ago, but still look the same. I am...
Transplant shock? Where you able to dig up many roots? Why not try leaving the wild plants and just take small cuttings from them to grow in your...
Thanks, here in zone 3 we are expecting snow tonight....
More sun, less water.
I don't know what it is, and I haven't lost my mind, at least I don't think so...
Sounds to me like your not trying to get rid of them, just curious as to what they are doing. Eating something? You will have to spend a day on...
I vote, yes.
Pot it up to the next size, about two or even four inches wider. Allow it time to adjust, leaves may drop, thats alright. It wants more light but...
It's funny, gardeners in the prairies, where I am, work for years to have moss growing in the garden.
I did not know that they were perennial plants.