Wow! you have patience pmurphy! 15 years and yes,one would expect dinosaur sized fruits: so, what next: weaving a traditional kimono from the...
OMG I remember living in Richmond: bylaw 'police' everywhere, yet, we can have four cannabis don't they call that 'weed' ? Sorry...
Hello Pieter How does one do this? flowers in the salad or is it the roots peeled? interesting...double pleasure from one flower? cheers
Ah! I should have been more patient I am guessing: I planted a Issai kiwi and waited and waited and waited and finally in year five they produced...
After extensive research and some good advice I purchased an Armstrong Maple to replace my ancient cherry 'grandmother' that had to be taken down...
LOL I feel better now!
Thank you Vitog for the encouragement: the blossoms were better than the past four years and my small troup of mason bees were late 'hatching': I...
Hello Folks Don't know what you call a cherry when it is 1st developing: about 1/3 of the fruit is progressing but mostly the tree is showing...
UPDATE: the city came by and de-limbed this ancient giant .. sat there for over a year... a naked sentinel... finally took it down. It must have...
good suggestion: will hv to tuck it away in the shade here in the valley for sure! Thank you
Dear Georgia Strait thank you so much for the suggestion: I will reach out in Nanaimo and in Port Alberni. Yes, it is a nice way to hold...
Greetings Ron Paragon of Plants! great weblink: closest is the USA Maybe someone 'up here' will carry these beauties next year. cheers
I would like to plant the Queen Elizabeth II rose in commemoration of her: I looked on line but the only one I found was 114.00 (!!) Does anyone...