My wife and I took a ride to Davidsan's in Springfield IL to satisfy my yearly JM purchase. I always make a plan as to what I'm looking for and in...
I've posted pictures of this JM before. I purchased this tree not knowing what it really was because it was mis-marked at the nursery as a...
Here's a picture of my contaner planted "Ruby Stars". I'm very happy with the spring color.
Here's a couple of pictures of my (I think) Baldsmith. The summer color is nothing to write home about because it's planted in a shaded north...
Many thanks to all who replied! I had a nice response all typed in a couple of hours ago and then my computer decided to call time-out....
I'm thinking of purchasing a Baldsmith to plant in front of our house. I live in zone 5a and the house faces north. I guess my questions are can...
Kay, I'm north and east of you near Kankakee so I also have my JM's in pots on our deck. I also store my JM's in the garage in the winter because...
I don't post as often I should but I wanted to share a picture that I took today with a new camera that we have in the household. It's my potted...
Thank you both for your response. You made me think of the environment not just the Shin. We had a bad ice storm last spring that broke many...
I have a Shin Deshojo growing in a pot on my deck that I purchased from Greer's about 5 year ago. It appears very healthy, even to the point where...
Kay, thank you for the information on Davidson's. I live in north eastern Illinois (about 2 1/2 hours from Springfield) so this an easy drive for...