I use my carport as a place to overwinter plants and to start things off in spring under lights as it is too dark otherwise. In winter the warmth...
Here on Vancouver island, I have 2 Desert King figs that have been in pots for 2 yrs now and wintered it easily in the garage which does not...
Yes, there it is. It WAS a late spring here and the beans did not really take off until later, when the woodbugs are abundant. I used the gallon...
Yes, the shell bits worked for the beans and the wood bugs did not win! 2 yrs in a row now, even with a late spring and the scarlet runner beans...
Is this the same dracaena that is sold to us to grow in tubs outdoors? Thks D
Well, Ha ha, the new rules were so confusing to me I was afraid to post anything for the longest time. D is for Dummy, and I thought we could...
Are these the sort that grow outside in the PNW? You know, those that they sell for outdoor planting in tubs etc? I thought they were indoor...
Vetch often comes up in potted plants out doors. I keep thinking that as it is a legume, it is beneficial and supplying some nitrogen. Is that...
Was there any speculation as to what made that growth spurt back in the 1600's?
Just can't hep masef TRY USING CHICKEN WIRE???? D rofl yes another beauty day out there and going to try to pot up my smaller fig tree to take...
Yes, No answers? Definitely understandable in a large forum and especially if it is down-sizing but not as mentioned above, at the smaller...
Katalina,, Hi, I don't think Leaf was trying to poach, just give others a place to try out but as you say.....if people are not responded to they...
Yes Janet, It is as you state. Quick and unretractable. I haven't complained too much as this is not my site and as a guest, if I am not wanted, I...
I had thought that a place as well established as UBC would have been a safe place to call home. I feel like a weed, tossed on the compost as...