Thank you Ron
Found this growing along my fence last year no idea what it could be. Thought perhaps Cherry Plum but not 100% confident Any help identifying...
Thank you Michael
Located in 5b Ontario Canada. During extremely high wind weekend I ended up with hundreds of tiny branches twigs on my property. I have nothing...
Thanks Rob B. Appreciate your suggestions. My first thought was some type of plum Regards Deb
Hello again everyone. Wondered if anyone could identify these cuttings I discovered while walking my dog yesterday. It appears to be a fairly...
Hi there: Thank you so much for your response. Regards, Deb
Hi there: Wondered if anyone would be so kind as to identify this sapling for me I would guess approx. 4-5 years old. I thought maybe an elm???...
Thank you so much Ron. I guess it is a yanker. I have one already and it is growing in the middle of my flower garden. Have a nice weekend...
Thanks Stone, Susan: Could be a Mulberry I have a small one on the property however never seen berries on it. Thanks so much. Have a nice...
Thank you so much Susan our winters have been milder other than this winter. No it was not protected. Maybe it is a miracle hehe Regards, Deb