The Acer Pal . sold as Tattoo that has a bushy habit was probably named without knowing there was already was one . I too bought one years ago...
Bare root plants are on the restricted list . It in because of the suden oakdeath desease.
Bad News for us Fagus guys . The Feds do not allow importing Fagus from Europe as of Jan 08 . BUMMER lots of new ones there . Dendo
Re: Acer palmatum 'Shirazz' Acer Palmatum is a nice plant but has a tendancy to put out a normal branch once in a while that should be trimmed...
Hi Kaspian, I see that you have Acer Palmatum Mary Catherine . I just got a plant a few days ago . I was told it will be a flat top plant . Can...
Even with a phyto certificate and washing soil off roots no Acers are allowed into the US . They may be enterable under a special...
No Acers are allowed entry from Europe . Keep this in mind when ordering maples from Europe . Dendo