Hi Paul Interesting good to know There are quite a few items on that list that are kind of scary ie Laundry additives/wood / material...
Hi All Ian Do you thatch or bag when you cut? To much thatch on the soil could cause probs to. We did a test on a 53 acrea property in...
Hi sound like they are happy and adjusting to mother nature
HI check out a Google for Gardenia Jasminoides belmont or hadley or fortuniana Sorry for any miss Spelking: regards Doug
Thanks again Eric I tried to explain about the "Old Country" useing potatoe and turnips. She asked who would see them if they were in ground?...
Hi Thanks Eric I think this calls for an edited version alright. Thanks doug
Hi all I know this may not be proper to ask in here. But I was asked by a garden elf( my nieghbours 4 year old ) How come pumpkins become...
Hi What type of evergreen are we talking about here? Regards Doug
Hi David Even if it snowed the bulbs should be OK as long as the ground has not frozen solid for more than 1 inch deep. I am in the north...
Hi The white fluff in the photo looks like mealy bugs. Try a seach for draceana mealy bugs/ Also the yellow spots could also be caused by to...
Hi How big was the root ball when you moved it? Are there Ants on it ? The reason I ask is that I have seen the same thing in the Fraser...
Hi WHY do we have to deal with the leaves of plants/shrubs/trees or fruit for that matter? We import them out of their natural enviorment...
hi also check out leafhopper. Doug
Hi Are you prone to ants? Doug