Hi all, I recently discovered this problem occuring on Syzygium Aussie Boomer plants, I'd really like to know what could be causing it,...
I have discovered these plants recently and need help identifying them, Thanks
They look exactly like the blueberry plants we have in australia.
Heuchera chocolate ruffles
Hi, If anyone knows what this is please let me know asap, thanks.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Please help me identify this plant
Its a hydrangea macrophylla, the colour will change with the change of PH in the soil.
usually borers or longicorn beetles do that sort of damage in the trunks of wounded or stressed plants, theres not alot of control for them...
I'd just wait and see what happens now, water it once a week, just make sure the soil dries out between waterings. You might just get some new...
Theres a disease in plants which creates flattened stems like that called stem canker, but I'm not sure if thats what it is. Usually its...
That looks really serious. The top looks like it has rotted off, cant do much to save that, the roots look like they've been ripped or rotted off,...