Plant them in a small pot of all purpose potting soil. 1/2 in deep and place on a sunny windowsill. They should sprout in a month or so. Use...
It it through bonsai that I know trident maple. Grafted maples are rarely if ever used in bonsai because they for a bulge and the barks are not...
It will be a couple more years before my seedlings are big enough to act as grafting experiments, so I can't help you with that directly....
Don't let it dry out. It needs water to grow. Try to give it as lots of light and heat. Once it gets a bit bigger transplant it to a smaller...
BayMaples, In all these cases stratification has taken place. Stratification just means being cold and wet in in order to break the seed's...
Divide them every 1-2 years and feed lightly with 10-15-10 or 20-20-20 or some other balanced feed.
Hello Marlene, We spoke about your tree previously. If I'm wrong rest assured that someone will correct me. That said, looking at the...
You can fill the bottom with anything you like. Both rocks and chunks of styro-foam are classic choices.
I've heard that the gnat larva can harm roots, but normally the harm is in the over watering that leads to the gnats. I don't know what your...
I think you're right, but as for which one I can't help. Nice plant though! M.
"pinching" is just that. Take the tip in between your thumb and finger and break it off. I doubt that time of year really matters, but if you do...
It might. It is impossible to predict where new shoots will come from. Try it. Another option is to cut it back harder to where there are...
What you have then is a ficus of some kind, no? At 2.5 feet is is certainly not too large to make a bonsai out of. It is normal to allow a...
Under watering manifests itself in this plant as browning on the leaf margins. Yellowing is different, and not really a problem. A given leaf...
I go to sunny bonsai all the time, but only to buy materials. Sure, they do prune and wire for the whole life of the plant, but if you want...