I wonder if anyone can suggest a variety of sweet or supersweet corn that will do well with shorter day length (12 hours)?
Ok, I've come to realize that the tree in question is NOT a guava, though I do suspect it is may be a member of the Myrtacae - perhaps something...
I was asking the question because I encountered a specimen growing in the jungle of Parque International La Amistad (Panama), labeled Psidium...
Ok, so I've read the Guava is a "small" tree, up to about 10 meters or so in height. What, then, would qualify for "super-size" status among...
I've seen these plants blooming along the roadsides up here for over a month now - quite pretty actually. They reminded me of Salvia, and Google...
Yes, I purchased the Orton hybrid 'Venus' from a local mail order nursery several years ago, and so far it appears to be a much better performer...
As indicated in the link I posted, the study which concluded that nutritionally, organic food is no better than conventional food was funded by...
Forgive me if this has already been discussed, but here is The Organic Center's response to the release of the American Journal of Clinical...
This selection appears to be a winner for my area - so far, a much more "stellar" performer here than the other Rutgers hybrids I've tried. Large...
Agreed, I think I have lost my plant - the variety called "Dark Star". I have noticed that the most commonly sold variety around here, "Victoria"...
Cut them back (a daunting task), but you may want to wait a couple weeks or so, till the last of the frigid temperatures pass. Most likely they...
I think I would go ahead and plant this tree ASAP, as potted plants are hard to keep watered properly. I've noticed the same tip browning on many...