Yes 75, they are mostly offsets, + many more rooting... of bigger ones...I will post a photo if I find fruit :)
Well I have 75 of the plants, lol. Five of them have started to bloom, lets hope the honey bees did some work:)
Hi Laticauda, upon further research, pollination has to take place with more of the same flowers and then you will see a round fruit at the stem,...
How do I go about finding cactus seeds? I have new blooms this week on my cactus and I want to see if I can save the seeds for planting. Are...
Thats a start Lila, thank you!
I'm adding that 2 years ago I had one flower bloom, last year over 200 flowers. The man who gave them to me was a hybridizer.
Wow, I'm glad I found this forum! I was given 6 cactus pups 6 years ago, each was labeled w/ the proper names but sadly they washed away. From...