Hi, I have this creeper growing in my lawn. I thought a healthy lawn would strangle it out but the creeper seems to be winning. If anyone could...
Thanks for the recommendations. I am going to try the rose fert next spring. I believe you are right, I need more Phos. in my soil. Hope it turns...
Hi, I have a feeling my soil is void of nutrients. Its a new house and the landscapers must not have given us good soil. My hydrangeas,...
Hi All, I have a young Canadian Red Maple (Acer Rumrum?). When the nursery delivered and planted it, I noticed that there were black markings...
Hi All, This happens every summer. My Hydrangea are turning purple and they are getting eaten. Also, in my front yard I have a Canadian Red...
Here is the link. There is a lot of information here but somethings are sounding off alarm bells. They provide a breakdown of heavy metals that...
Hi all, I was told that the biosolids product from GVRD called Nutrifor is supposed to be excellent for tree and shrub growth. A GVRD employee...
Hi All, My Smaragd's are flagging more than usual. I am wondering if it is because its a seasonal change thing? I was considering fertizing...