Hi there, Can someone please give me a positive ID on this store bought shrub/vine. No label. Thanks in advance!
Hi there, Can any of you succulent experts give me a positive id on these? I've always called all succulents either Aloe or "hens and chickens"...
Impatiens oliveri, maybe?
I'm voting with Ron on this one, I think it's a croton of some variety. It does strongly resemble A. japonica though.
Sorry, it was a feeble attempt at "humor" (and in retrospect was probably inappropriate) in reference to the framed photo next to the plant in the...
Hi Mrs. Honeybear, Hard to say without a photo, but white speckles and a red underside of the leaf makes a begonia hybrid sound like a good...
Hi Tinkerbella, That's an interesting question, and one that could open a whole new thread of responses. As far as commercially prepared...
Hi Tinkerbella, Looks like a Peperomia to me. I agree with Ron, if it is really that precious to you then take it to a local expert and they...
Hi there, Since it was a nice day and a holiday (veterans day), I decided to check out the last of the fall color at the Asian Garden at the...
Hi Montrose, Looks like Zamioculcas zamifolia.
Hi Scotsman! It's a schefflera, and a very nice one. I wish we had laws down here that let us keep our dogs AND our kids in a cage!....... :)
Hi, I am happy to say that I have just discovered a source of free horse manure locally. I don't have room in my compost boxes for the kind of...