just wondering, wouldn't it be much easier to ask Robert McCaffrey of Alpine Gardens, Alpine, New Jersey? he found it afterall and guess named...
Do you have new pictures of your caperci dwarf ? last post is 1 1/2 years ago. would be nice !!
A well known and old dwarf cultivar. Weird that i found no post on it yet so here it is. A good dark red turning brilliant crimson in fall....
when i look at your post Kaitain4 for A. palmatum 'Alpine surprise' and my pictures i'd say they are different. Mine has never the green tone on...
For me my reference is the book: Japanese Maples 'Momiji and kaede' 3rd edition. Revised and expanded by Peter Gregory.
It has nothing to do with the climate. I live in Belgium (our summers are not better then in the UK) and i have plants with and without seed pods....
hi Ann, cv' s are always grafted. A. palmatum cv's are very hard to multiply by cuttings.
A witches'-broom found by Robert McCaffrey of Alpine Gardens, Alpine, New Jersey. A very nice red dwarf, often wrongly named as Alpine...
A nice red leaved dwarf palmatum: 'Ven's Red' pict 1: 10 oktober pict 2: 14 april
here are my 2 last with leaves this fall: shishio hime and shidava gold. Pictures taken today.
In wisterias you have the 2 most important sp. W. floribunda and W. sinensis (other sp. exist but not important here) What you have must be a W....
my guess it's not a rhus or toxicodendron. The photo of the button shows no tipical rhus button. Most rhus and toxicodendron (former rhus) have...