Daniel - how long does it take for a bougainvillea to cover/reach the height of a fence? This year I don't mine having no flowers, I want to...
In the winter months my bougainvillea drop all its leaves, but when spring arrives, it grows new sets of leaves. I guess bougainvillea is a...
An update on my Seiryu in Spring (October,2007). I totally adore this spring color - light green which looks very serene and graceful. These two...
I have a japanese maple, seiryu - I was kind of disappointed that seiryu didn't turn out to be "lip-stick" red similar to the photo shown in...
Actually, pinching the dead flowers, will make the bud/side shoot to grow quickly. When you pinch the dead flowers you are giving more sun-light...
15 May (Autumn) 2007 I enjoyed looking at my Seiryu maple from the kitchen window than my coral bark maple, Sango kaku. Both of them suffer...
I think there are different types and sizes of phalaenopsis...perhaps you bought a large variety. I remember going into a nursery, and saw this...
12th May 2007 (Autumn) More changes. I like the muddy red and bronze colours of Seiryu...especially when there's sunlight scattering around...
10th May 2007 (Autumn) My Seiryu beginning to show signs of colour change...
Thanks guys for your replies, You are spot on about not having enough soil to cover the roots. I did repotted it about a week ago. So far, no...
Hi Chunk, Thanks for your informative response...I finally figured out what's wrong with my plant. It's a trial-and-error type of thing....
lol... I'm so sorry, poor spelling. whis4ey is correct - It's scorch. That's a lovely tree you got there whis4ey.
The leaves looks sad and soft, and brittle to touch... the weather isn't even hot today. is my bouganivillea going to die? Is there anything I...
Hi everyone, I like to know why is it that my sango kaku maple tree that is growing in a pot gets scrotched easily whereas my neighbor who...