If you're going to use fertilizer on your african violets be sure the middle number in the 3-number series is much higher than the other ones....
Check out this link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHrl7FmPVO0&feature=related It helped me a lot with my African Violets! And look at some of...
I planted onions last spring (2008) and they didn't grow hardly at all. They were in a place that I kept forgetting about and they didn't get...
Here is a better link to that. I really had to search for it......
Here is the wreath I made with the lavender from one of my plants. Not fabulous, but it was my first. Next time it will be better!
Thanks Shelton! Lots of great info on lavender there. I'm off to make a wreath for the front door!
Looks like scale to me. I don't know how to get rid of it. Do a search online and see what you come up with...sorry.
I know this is an old post, BUT you have aphids! I did too. I tried the spraying them off with a strong blast of water, but my two plants (which...
I put asparagus ferns in my garden right in the ground and then dig them up and bring in the house. They love the full sun they get!
By the way, the nasturtiums are edible...stem, leaves and flowers. Kind of peppery, great in salads!!!
Don't know what it is but it sure is pretty! What a generous and wonderful gift! Lucky you!!!
Wow! Looks like an alien!!!
Looks like a droopy Bird of Paradise...
I'm in zone 6 and my hardy hibiscus has been up for about 2 weeks. They are always the last plants to come up. You just have to be patient and...
Definitely rosemary. Maybe some thyme (the regular or lemon) and oregano, marjoram. Plant some allysum along with it for some pretty color to...