Hi emery, thanks for your response. The rye around the tree in the photo is not that close I agree, but some of the other trees I have have much...
Are these rye for sure? Anyway to know from looking at its seeds? They still look healthy and continue to grow.
Some are almost 1' long. I had made an over-seeding with rye grass last fall so that I could have green lawn in winter (I had bermuda grass and...
Great photos! I have posted some of mine in this thread: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=71511 They might not look as...
Update: I'm thrilled so far that, ALL of my japanese maples survived. Until now of course... All of them were either newly planted or...
Different regions have very different climatic conditions here: Although Turkey is situated in large Mediterranean geographical location where...
LOL yes, everyday I login hoping for new threads / posts etc... but I get disappointed seeing that it is very quiet in the forum. But I still...
Thanks maf.
Is there a way to know whether this tree is a senkaki or a sango kaku once it leafs out? Or should I think that it is only a seedling of one of them?
mr shep, thank you for your post. The problem is, there isn't any knowledge about issues in spring for maples here. I have in total 15 japanese...
I have recently bought this imported tree and the label of it wrote Acer Palmatum Corallinum. But I suppose they should be smaller? The height of...
Here, the common practise is to spray almost everything with copper sulphate / bordeaux mixture as a preventitive measure in the winter months. I...
I hope someone with more knowledge can give the answer you are looking for, I'm really curious about your situation as well. I'm not...