Mine died, last spring. Lol. I'll just pretend that my Phoenix is a Taylor at the start of spring.
Thank you! it was on a rare day that my car had to go for a check-up and I get to walk around my work neighborhood. Here's another along the same...
saw this on the street leading to work. Could be Accolade? [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Mr. Sun before he let go of its leaves. Autumn is late by a month this year [ATTACH]
Do you guys have a tip on making the ginkgo branch out more? because mine seems to not respond to pinching. NB : "Sumo wrestlers with sekitori...
My Mystic Jewel showing real purple colors, before it got hit by verticillum/pseudomonas (later in spring, actually I can't tell which one). But I...
My Aureum in spring [ATTACH]
My Fireglow in spring [ATTACH]
I hope it stays happy where it is. I may have to check the roots next spring. All the growth from atop that wooden fence just dies back...
A ginkgo with a huge trunk Eine, Belgium [ATTACH]
Bi-hoo on the left reporting for duty. It's my 3rd year, yay! [ATTACH]
My Vitifolium. Still haven't reached its autumn peak colors yet [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My Amber Ghost earlier in May
Yes indeed, thanks Acerholic! Wish I could have seen the same performance this year.