I realize there has been some structural changes in the society recently, so the answer to my question may not be solid one way or the other, but...
Yikes, thank you for the update. That is very disappointing to hear, but I am hopeful a resolution that allows it to continue is realized in the year.
I signed up for the international one as I have for several years now. I usually get the seeds in mid January.
Has anyone in North America received their seeds from the exchange yet? -Kyle
Thank you, @maf . I’m in the southern Appalachians, about 30 minutes north of the Great Smoky Mountains, i.e. possibly the most humid place in the...
My bad, it’s probably called something else in your neck of the woods. It’s just a common disease among seedlings. Often they will look totally...
Alain, your seedlings look to be very similar to mine in that they’re growing pretty densely. How do you keep damping off at bay growing them like...
I was under the impression that mutations due to virus/pest/etc wouldn’t be stable if propagated, but I don’t know that for sure.
That’s really interesting Emery. How do you determine whether the variegation/reticulation is viral as opposed to genetic? I’ve always wondered.
Excellent. Thank you very much
Does anyone have experience growing asian maples under or near the dripline of black walnut? I thought i had read they were generally juglone...
Good to know, E. I always wondered what exactly the deal was.