Hi Micki, Wonderful! Mine came with a card description "of authenticity", confirming it had been grown/propagated by a licensed facility....
Oooh, that's a nice one too! In your climate, especially in a partial-shade microclimate near a building, bet it'd do very well for all but the...
Cool, seems about the same size as mine. Did the central leader bud not grow this summer? If not, it likely was from the nursery taking...
Hopefully you'll post a pic of yours. After 9 months of owning it, must've been a thrill to watch it grow. As it got cooler outside, did the...
Liz thanks for that most interesting reply and the links. Blue metal certainly has some unusual properties, particularly its pH of 9.1. ...and...
Very interesting, Liz, thanks for the links. Nice pic of the park in the last link. One link mentioned "blue metal" quarry...I'm stumped on...
Alex, hopefully it's only sunburn and not a fungus. Literature refers to extremely low levels of light in the Blue Mountain area of Australia....
Good for you, Alex. Congratulations. Let's see a picture! Is it on the patio in summer, or planted in the garden? Any pests attracted to it?
Thanks, Alex. This never-ending story finally did end...happily. Were you able to get yours in Italy?
Hello folks...a full 10 months since the Canadian vigil started (waiting for a Wollemia nobilis). Update: My import permit expires before the...
I believe the farmed component approximates 25 per cent of wild, and expect a similar ratio within the fertilizer.
With their pale colours and thin indistinctive leaves, it's easy to miss them while walking. Especially while squinting against a bright sun....
Such a delicate flower, it definitely looks out of place. To quote from C.P.Lyons' "Trees Shrubs and Flowers to know in British Columbia": The...
Green-banded Mariposa Lily, Okanagan valley, July 1/07