If it is in a north facing window, the sunshine may not be intense enough or bright enough? That'd be my first guess.
Even if you don't see new growth right away, don't be discouraged, the plant is probably just developing more roots before it starts anymore...
Holly, I may be getting some pawpaw tree seeds soon, from an 87 year old gardener in my town! *YaY* I've finally met someone near me with similar...
Kalanchoe sp. You can cut the stem and re-root it in soil. The cut end will also make new growth, and the leaves will produce baby plants when...
It could be from the water you are using, or from over-fertilization, or even low humidity. When you water, put the water from the tap in a...
I don't know what it is, but I am sure someone here will be able to help you. We also have a Caudiciform & Pachypodium forum where someone with...
I don't know what it is, but I'm sure someone here will be able to help you. Very pretty plant! Thanks for sharing!
Could be a kind of fungus?
And don't be afraid of trimming too much off, Ficus benjamina LOVE pruning.
Actually, you may not even have to go up a pot size, if you can get enough dirt out of the root ball!
Sure, I'm always eager to see plant pics. I love these Ficus, but don't have one myself. One of my good friends had one she picked up from an...
Well, the bottom branches I would cut off the trunk (flush against the trunk), to train it into a tree as opposed to a shurb-form. You could top...
I love these plants, the texture of their leaves is out of this world! Do you know if you can propagate it from cuttings?
Yes, you can transplant it to a bigger pot now, it's been long enough. If it were me, I'd repot it, then wait a week or two, then do some major...
That makes me sad :( Does it look like they can do anything to treat it, or is this plant destined for the trash?