Hi Carl, I separated them and put them in two different pots. The stems seem kind of skinny. Wonder if they ever get bigger. I moved the plants...
Hi Fern, I thought it was mold because I only use filtered water or sometimes Ozarka water that was left over. But like you said, it could be...
Thanks global, will do. I bought some glazed pots today. I hope the mold does not go on top of the soil. Liz
Thank you so much, DandyLioness :)
Oops, I just edited my post. Would it be better getting glazed pots? Liz
Hi Dandy, Thanks for the tip. What kind of paint would be good for this. I am clueless. Would it be better to get glazed pots? Maybe easier to...
Hi Jim, Thanks for the information. It sounds a little more reasuring. Yes the blackberries are already caring berries. Look at the pictures...
I recently re-potted all my houseplants into new pots. The pots are terra cotta, tulip shaped and kind of on the thin side. Now I get mold on...
Ron, Thanks for the link. That does not sound to reasuring. Will the berries habe the ability to uptake the weed and feed even if it is about...
Hopefully they will start sprouting soon. I got mine from Home Depot Garden Center. Good luck. Liz
Yes I noticed that it gets bigger each year. It was just a puny little plant 3 years ago. I had 3 flowers on it this year, maybe next year more....
Hi Tony, Yes i think that is what it is. I found a nice image of it at Dave's Garden. Looks a bit whiter than mine. But shape is the same....
I sure hope it will look like this when it gets bigger. I looked at Dave's garden and this is what I found for nun's orchid....
Hi Jim, Thanks for the reply. I am baning everything that has chemicals in it. I bought some organic food for flowers and berry's. Smells like...