Well I will take a picture of tomorrow to show you how it is doing I think it is doing alittle better I have been reading all the great advice and...
Thanks, I really love it....My Dad gave it to me and it realy makes me proud when ppl come in and this beaty.
Thanks for that info I realy love this web site I have always loved having plants but they are hard to keep if you dont know what you are doing.
Well what do you think I should do, when it comes to checking the soil? Can I poke it with a wooden screwer and push all the way down or will that...
Hey my name is Liz and I was worried about a plant my father gave me and the leaves were turning yellow....Well they still are and Iam afraid...
Well Okay but I water it from the bottom so when will I know that the soil is dry.
Well I thank you all for being so swift in your replys I really have grown attached to that plant and would hate anything to happen to it. I will...
What dose rootbound Mean Iam so new to it I dont even know what pothos means. Thanks !
Well my name is Elizabeth Ramon and I have a problem. My father gave me plant as he left the country for good......and now its leaves are turning...