Thanks - I'll take a look!
Have I missed my chance to root prune for this year?
Thanks D!
Thanks both! I don't think there are any breaks but will double check.........should I keep the shrivelled leaves on or snap them off?
I feel much more reassured from all of your experiences! Thank you all for sharing!!
Some leaves have shrivelled on just one branch and a few are turning red. I have kept it watered not overly so, so not sure what the issue might...
Good morning Acerholic! Oh well, I guess that's somewhat reassuring to know that i am not the only one. Obviously, I'd have preferred it if...
Hi Some of it's leaves are turning red in summer, as pictured....what do you think is the cause and what should I do? Thank you!
@Margot Thank you kindly, Margot! I will take a look at those links in more detail. I'll probably keep it in a pot for a couple of years and...
Hi I saw a discounted Kousa Milky Way in a garden centre today. It was discounted because most of its leaves had black tips. I was told that this...
Thanks! Mine always seems to burn in the sun so I've had to keep it in the shade.........I'll try again with full sun this year and see what happens!
Nice! Can your Beni Maiko take full sun?