Hypocotyl (spelling?) grafting can work. That is when you take a slow growing seedling and graft it to the base of a faster growing seedling. I...
I think Koehres and Mesa Garden both have pereskiopsis seed, but cuttings are a much better way to go.
The three sided bit is peculiar, makes me think it could be a Euphorbia pseudo cactus, not a cactus. Pictures would be helpful.
I left one out a couple of winters ago, and it died when the temps dropped below freezing.
Here are a couple of other good seed sites: http://www.koehres-kaktus.de/index1gb.htm http://www.mesagarden.com/ Seeds are good if you...
The skin looks a little too glossy, but the form and color of the bloom, and the general shape of the plant indicate to me it is one of the...
Either that, or Trichocereus candicans...
That's really cool. I don't see many blooms on monstrose forms of cacti.
My question would be what kind of cacti are you interested in growing. Some can tolerate quite a bit of organic material in the planting bed,...
I think it is probably Stenocereus pruinosus.