I'm not a scientist, so this is a layman's explanation. A chimera is a cell that is different in some way from the cell that it divided from that...
Specific exposure is more important than general conditions. What's your micro-climate? Dry winds and hot sun are problematic for JM. Mid-day...
Mold can only thrive in wet conditions. Actually, in a too wet condition. If the pot is in a jardinière, that is a decorative pot without a drain...
It's unclear why you would move the tree from sun to less sun at just the time of year when sunlight is diminishing anyway at a latitude that has...
Scrub the rotten parts away, rinse those parts in 15% household bleach in hot water, replant in good, draining soil in a pot with a drain hole,...
Your fig is a Arborcola, Dwarf Umbrella Tree. It's as good as dead, probably from root-rot, but who knows. When you have standing water at the...
Just lay it on the surface of the soil and it will send out roots.
It's a shame that mankind wasn't around before the last ice age. Imagine what the North American continent would look like if the great sheets of...
Every leaf has some finite lifespan. As long as the leaves that go brown are the eldest, everything is proceeding normally. The lowest on a...
It's saying, "Frankly, I'd rather be in Mississippi." It is a long season, high sunshine plant whether you want it to be or not.
Soil Pest and Root Rot Treatment Mix one part of additive-free 35% hydrogen peroxide with ten parts water. Water infected plants thoroughly. The...
I respectfully disagree. "Potting soil" contains a large fraction of ground up cardboard and newspaper, not wood, and with damn little mineral...
Try a Coffee arabic. Nice shinney leaves. A definite maybe.
Take it outside and hose the roots down with high pressure to drive away all soft tissue. Scrub with a plastic dish-washing scubber and/or cut...
The nebari, that part where the trunk enters the ground looks very dicey. I've never seen that before, but the moss doesn't look bad. Moss...