Thank you very much for the information ! During the summer I picked off the top eye leaf but that didn't create any limbs. My last fig tree...
My fig cutting is approximately 5 feet now but without limbs. Now that the young cutting is in hibernation should I cut the main shoot where I...
Too bad there isn't a natural spray that might fed them off. Cats or dogs in the backyard would just be who eat who or what. If it's not the...
Thanks ! Normally I'm pretty successful in the garden. This time around I was just very scared to loose the sentiments of the fig tree. The...
Spring is finally here and time to plant some of my cuttings. Since my last post I winterized the cutting from October. My biggest mistake was...
Hello... But did you take the cuttings at the proper time of year after the leaves fall? My problem is that my residence sold before the proper...
Hi Cat The leaves did fall off your fig tree? What state do you live in? Southern California has had summer like conditions for the past few...
Just an update to the propagation issue: After 'winterizing' the cuttings in the frig (3 weeks), I placed them in a mixture of half peat moss and...
Woops, forgot to ask if you think a 'root hormone' would help or is it over-rated?
Hi Weekend Gardener. This Wednesday will be the second week of winterizing the 1 and 2 year old growth cuttings. When you transpotted did you...
Thank you so much for the information. Since my last post I moved from the house but will be returning tomorrow for the clippings. I am anxious...
I did a web search. The only variance from web search to what I did thus-far was to winterize the clips by refrigeration for 2-3 weeks; something...
woops forgot to write that I cut new growth from the ends of branches and used a potting root mix of perlite and peat. Also, when I tried just in...
Since June we have tried unsuccessfully to propagate a 26-year-old fig tree in our back yard. I tried cuttings with/without leaves; with/without...