Thanks, Lorax But would it kill the seeds already in the soil? Here the summers are hot, but weed seeds are cockroaches,...
Hi all, We've just moved to the San Diego, CA area from Canada, and I have to say, I am just astounded at how weeds are just...people's...
Hi there, I have a side garden I'm about to cement in (just kidding). We have 2 dogs and during summer's heat they want a cool place to dig...
So basically dog poop risk is roundworm eggs, and cat is toxo. (many people who regularly handle cat poop already have had it, as determined by...
What's wrong with da poop? Thanks for all the advice, everyone! As it stands now, it's still not going anywhere, so I'll try adding more stuff...
Hi there, Last summer I got really motivated and built a nice, ~4'x4' slatted wood compost heap bin. I put it over the spot a previous pile had...
I'm updating in case anyone else has this problem. Online sources seemed to id the bugs as harmless. I took the worm bin outside as soon as it...
Hi there, I would assume both options are the same. I've also heard that worm castings are great for plants, so what I did is started a small...
Hi, I've had a worm bin going all winter, and have been adding food scraps and paper shreds to the soil/paper starting mix. The worms seems to...
Hi there, I received an apricot tree as a gift last fall and planted it. Over the winter, the dogs must have been playing and landed on it....