parry willis
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Apr 28, 2023
Oct 9, 2021
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Granisle BC
making noise and sawdust

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parry willis

New Member, from Granisle BC

parry willis was last seen:
Apr 28, 2023
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  • About

    Granisle BC
    making noise and sawdust
    Regenerative agriculture and no till gardening. Soil biology and detrivore's.
    I am looking to the future, by learning about the above topics. Not just those, however. My interests are both broad and varied. When it comes to agriculture, organic is the way.

    I used to use common manufactured salts for nutrients. or general soil mixtures available to the consumer market. Plants and creatures alike cringed and ran, because the soil became essentially uninhabitable due to a variety of reasons. effort and interest not being included. The difference that I see physically, via soil biology, life, and vigor of plant's themselves from "common" gardening, both indoors and out, to organic, is simply staggering.

    The plants. the insects. the mycelium. the micro-organisms. They flourish in an organic environment. providing nutrients to what the soil is and what it sustains(bio-diversity). Utilizing naturally occurring amendments to create an ecosystem that things want to grow in. Thrive in.

    Brewing compost tea's for low ppm nutrient offerings, during vital times of a plants life. late vegetative growth or transition to fruiting or flowering. The micro-organisms offered to the soil, provide bio-availability of nutrients from the soil itself. breaking down further the detritus within their ecosystem. allowing molecules to chelate, and allowing for the increased uptake of say, calcium for example.

    Use of IPM(Integrated Pest Management) strategies via the use of beneficial insects(hypoaspis, rove beetle, etc) and micro-organisms(Nematodes). to exemplify; culturing LAB(Lactic Acid Bacteria) pre-biotics for the use of both a foliar spray and soil drench to mitigate the establishment of creatures like fungus gnats, thrips, etc. Collecting IMO(Indigenous Micro Organisms) from a variety of environs for further colonization into liquid IMO. FPJ(Fermented Plant Juice). OHN(Oriental Herbal Nutrient). Among other KNF(Korean Natural Farming) methods.

    anyways. I enjoy engaging about various topics surrounding these things, as a way to learn and grow(no pun intended) my knowledge base and how i'm able to apply the lessons practically and in a way that is carbon negative.

    I like to listen, and I like to learn.

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