I am growing three seedling silk trees in my Osoyoos, BC garden. They are thriving in our summer heat but I am doubting their winter hardiness....
Thanks for the information, zfrittz. I still sow griseum seeds in “natural” situations and hope I get a few “volunteers.
well done, Tim! You have succeeded where many do the rest of us have not. I would be happy if you would share with us the the details (“ split...
Thought I would post a picture of my original paperbark maple. The smaller one is a descendant.
I have tried for years to grow acre griseum from seed. I’ve shown hundreds at a time. Almoost no success. But one year a huge number came up...
I saw an abies pinsapo many years ago at the Finch arboretum in Spokane. A most unusual conifer, I thought. I wonder if this same tree still...
I follow this forum regularly but find long periods of inactivity. So to try to stimulate a bit of fun I bring up the subject of abies pinsapo...
Seeds of Woody Plants in North America by James and Cheryl Young, a great deal of information about native and non-native plants, including...
I would agree, Michael, that abies pinsapo is not reliable in less than a zone 7 . But mine is healthy and hale in a zone which is not regarded...
I have two abies concolor (Colorado Fir) here in the southern interior of BC. They are lovely blue selections with very long needles. Have...
My experience with Seqoiadendron, species and Hazel Smith, is that they frequently lose leaders and quickly develop new ones. I speculate that...
Native peoples also harvested the local crab apple, Malus nootkatensis. I am not aware that they intentionally planted it or simply took advantage.
Further about Garry Oak, the Alberni Valley is not usually considered part of its range, but I know of a small “grove” on Kitsuksis hill. There...