seiryu, shishigashira, orange dream all fit the bill for me in terms of great year round "showpiece" maples.
You are looking for a "can't go wrong tree". Year round interest whether up close or far away. I think Seiryu would very nicely complement the...
I don't know the mature height of the tree. I can only tell you from my experience (of one!) that beni otake has been a fairly vigorous grower (at...
You are correct to worry about the damage from rabbits. I just get the plant fencing from home depot and haven't had problems (deer are a...
haaa haa. Count me in as another one who gets permission from the wife to do a yearly one day dash to Davidsans. Thanks for posting the pics. I...
as a tech geek I have been searching for a good gardening app to help keep track of and make notes of maples and other plants in the garden. I...
here's mine - first or second to leaf out every spring for me. In pretty shady location.
nothing better than morning dew + orange dream!
Here's my first to really leaf out - Orange Dream. Cliche, I know, but a must for maple enthusiasts! Cross posted to the Orange Dream Gallery -...
Can Gomero (or anyone) give some examples of shade loving ornamental grasses that have "played nice" with your JMs?
wow, that looks like a beautiful spot. Just as an fyi, this topic has come up several times. you may also find many suggestions by going to...
In terms of space, I don't think that will be a problem at all. Look around in vertrees and this site for a true dwarf species and you should...
Couple of other points: 1) If you dig around here you will some more you will find plenty of others who have successfully grown JMs in your...
Well, thanks again. Scrolling through these pictures re-inspires me to get out there and try some new things in the garden. Also nice to see...