all the replies are factual. We are 100% organic, yet not certified, if we were, then we would need to pay the extra money for certified organic...
there is another post here that has some different pictures of lady "bugs' beetles, perhaps try a search with "lady beetles" as the keyword....
Most seed companies are owned by one corporation anymore here in the U.S. try some of these companies: Heirloom Seeds Victory Seeds Ferry Morse
Very good gpbaron, saved me some typing...Organics feed the soils micro herds, the soil microbes feed your plants, chemical fertilizers destroy...
here in most of the midwest section of the U.S. , we have been invaded by the multi-colored Asian lady beetle (Harmonia axyridis). They are...
a few whole items such as fruit, vegetables is fine; however, if the items you place in the garden, do not have the time to decompose fully, they...
This is due to insufficient pollination Janr, the female flower opens, does not get pollinated, or pollination is poor, and the fruit withers and...
Daniel, I think that is a very good article for the beginner. I do agree with Artemesia about the irragation bit and believe that using a...
I've been in and on the interent for several years now, and I rarely follow a link to a unknown site to view an image. First, as stated above...
Stick with the elemental sulfer and compost. I use acetic acid (56%) "vinegar on steroids", for permanent weed elimination, but the garden
Very good article, here in Mn. at the University they are researching the pond scum that covers the lakes
1. West garden... 106 Hot pepper plants, another of the four double rows of onions in foreground 2. pole beans behind the old grainery (king...
A few more, I seem to be encountering a bad dial up connection...please bear with me. 1. one of the two double rows of carrots (center) On the...
I promised garden pictures...These were taken in early July, following a very cool May/June. Marrow squash close up. 1. Northeast corner of...