I am growing tomatoes in the greenhouse, they are growing well but I would like more flower development.How can I increase flower development?
Thanks I'll just have to remember this next spring before put thm back into the garden.
This year I decided to start a cut flower garden after a neighbour gave me some dahlias.What is the best/quickest way to propagate dahlias?
Hard to tell from the picture but it looks like it could be planted too deep
How many cut are possible from one plant?
I have a bunch of canna lilies right now and was wondering how they do as cut flowers and can the leaves be used as greenery?
Thinking about trying High bush blueberries,can anybody give me some tips on growing requirements and care.Thanks
Looking for high bush blueberries,that will do well in Nova Scotia (zone 5).
Thanks for the Id.Wish I could send some rain.It seems like it's been raining here for the last month and half
another pic