I saw these yesterday in residential North Burnaby. There was a fair-sized plot of them, which makes me think they're not being grown as an...
Thank you, Ron B. I'm sure you hit the nail on the head. Now I have to decide if I want this plant with the "indefinite spread". Maybe in a...
A neighbour is offering me these plants that have jumped his fence. They seem to be mature and neglected at best, as he doesn't want them. Any...
Thanks for the heads-up, Acerholic.
Thank you, vitog. So, if their bloom times do overlap, she can bear fruit once again? We tried to remove both of the kiwis because they are such...
We have an older (20+ years) female kiwi that is still alive in spite of several attempts to prune her out of existence. Could she be successfully...
Thank you, Acerholic. All the best.
Thank you all. Sorry, been incommunicado. I have looked for both caterpillars and slug trails. There appear to be neither at this point. I will...
I notice that the Garden Pest Management and Identification forum is archived. Where do I find info on what pest is attacking my plants? Both my...
Thank you one and all for your input. This site is a true treasure.
Lysimachia vulgaris Just wanted to upload these better quality photos. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]