The more you know. Thanks!
growest - Can I through them in the compost?
jamest, I share your pain. I also recently moved into a new home, and I fight daily with my morning glory (of the bindweed type). For a while...
Worm poop it is. Thanks Ron, Paul and Junglekeeper. Did a quick search on earthworm casting, and it looks like a match. People pay money for this...
If not for the spiral shape, I would've just passed them off as dirt. Seem to break apart like dirt. I can easily count over a dozen mounds, each...
Ah, I love a good pun. And the door is wide open. There's also a resident squirrel, crows and possibly rats. But I can’t imagine a rat or two...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Sorry about the graphical nature of the photos, folks. I'm hoping that some close-ups would help in the identification of...
Here's a closeup of #1: [ATTACH] I've looked up images of Juglans, and I'm not sure that this is it. My plant has softer, thinner leaves. A...
Can someone please help me identify these plants? I've just moved into a house with an existing garden, and we (the garden and I, that is) are in...