Check ebay. I actually got my favorite zz plant there - it's beautiful!
Anyone have any input here?
Ok - so this plant did end up producing some new growth in the last couple of months; however, as you can see from the picture attached to this...
I know this is kind of an old thread but I'm posting my new question here since there are already pictures of my plant here. I ended up combining...
Thank you!!!
Ok. One last question. Once I repot my zz plants, do I have to wait to fertilize them or can I fertilize them right away? Keep in mind that...
How often though? Like every time I water, every other time, every 3 months?
Thank you for that. How often would you recommend fertilizing it then?
Thank you guys for posting that. I have seen that page before and it is a fountain of information. I guess I just really struggle with figuring...
I repotted one of my zz plants today (first one pictured below) into an 8" clay pot because I read that clay pots are best for this species. Now...
That is an excellent read - thank you for posting again. I'll try to have some patience and keep my fingers crossed that I get a new stem.
I replanted my ZZ as recommended here but I haven't seen any new growth at all (see pic). I thought that I would get a new stalk or two or that...
Good to know. I'll wait a bit to see how my one plant does in the new soil, and then if it looks ok I'll repot the other one as well. Hopefully...