I have several Brunnera "Jack Frost" that are no longer the lovely silver variegated foliage, they've reverted back to just green. Will dividing...
Hello all, I'm looking for ideas for a tree for our backyard to add privacy between us and a neighbor. I want something that won't get too tall...
I have a Daphne Transatlantica that I love, it's about 5 years old and very fragrant. Unfortunately it has to be moved because we are having our...
I didn't know where to post this but I'm looking for suggestions to help protect a wooden fence from rotting due to garden soil touching it. I...
So many tree issues this year! I have a small dogwood that is dying and I want to replace it with something that grows faster to block the ugly...
If it's not too late, one of my favorite plants for the part shade garden is Brunnera Jack Frost. It grows in a nice tidy clump and has pretty...
There is a mature birch tree 50-60ft tall in our front garden that is dying. Today someone from a tree service company knocked on our door and...
I have several and have moved them a few times, I find the first summer after a move they are spindly and don't leaf out well but then tend to...
For evergreen you could go with Rhododendrons, Ceanothus, Boxwoods, Privet Deciduous shrubs, hydrangea, weigela, lilac, butterfly bush I...